What we consulted on
The plans and proposals for future development to 2040 that we consulted on would enable the Airport to:
Meet the growth in demand for air travel, serving up to 15 mppa.
Provide more connections and serve new destinations – including a limited number of new longer-haul flights, connecting our region directly with destinations such as east coast America and the Middle East.
Support around 37,000 jobs (through direct, indirect, supply chain and inbound tourism) across the South-West and South Wales. We estimate that an additional 1,000 jobs will be provided at the Airport, primarily for local people, including those living in south Bristol, Weston-super-Mare and rural communities.
These proposals are part of the Airport’s long-term vision – a Master Plan to 2040 – setting a clear development intent to be given due consideration in the local planning process. We are consulting on these proposals and gathering views before we publish the Master Plan and then submit a planning application to North Somerset Council.
Raising capacity to 15 mppa
Summary of our proposals:
Changes in operation
An increase in passengers from 12 mppa to 15 mppa, with an increase in aircraft movements from 85,990 to 100,000 per year. On a busy day in the peak period this would result in an additional 35 aircraft movements. While restrictions on night flying would remain in place, we are proposing to increase the number of night flights by 1,000 (an average increase of four per night on a busy night in the peak period).
Terminal extension
Further expansions to our existing terminal building to provide additional space for check-in, security, departure lounge, and baggage reclaim. A series of piers would be constructed, with passengers reaching these piers via a tunnel with travellators.
Ancillary facilities and buildings
Improved on-site facilities including more space for flight catering, maintenance and other requirements for Airport businesses. The fuel storage area will also be relocated and expanded.
New taxiways, apron extensions and additional aircraft stands. A short extension of the runway will help improve the operational efficiency of existing aircraft types that fly from the Airport and meet the needs of new aircraft types that would service longer-haul routes.
We are proposing capacity improvements on the A38 and improvements to public transport connections to the Airport Additional parking is also included in proposals.
For full details, visit our Plans and Proposals page
Previous Consultations
We began drafting our Master Plan back in 2017, with extensive consultation. The issues faced by Bristol Airport and indicative scenarios for the future were set out in an initial discussion document, entitled ‘Your Airport: your views – Preparing a new Master Plan’, that was subject to public consultation between November 2017 and January 2018.
Responses received to the initial consultation informed the second stage of the Master Plan consultation undertaken between May and July 2018. ‘Your airport: your views - Towards 2050’ set out a phased approach for the continued growth of Bristol Airport. The consultation document included, and sought views on, proposals for the development of the Airport to 12mppa.
Issues raised in response to these consultations are set out in our Consultation Document, along with a summary of how issues have been addressed. Your feedback, along with the latest air traffic forecasts, and other updates have informed these latest proposals that we are now seeking your views on.